Which Sentence Correctly Revises The Underlined Section In The Passage

Which sentence correctly revises the underlined section in the passage? This question delves into the realm of language and grammar, examining the effectiveness of revisions to enhance clarity, conciseness, and overall impact. By analyzing the changes made, we can determine which sentence best serves the purpose of improving the passage.

The process of revising involves carefully examining the original sentence, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing changes that enhance its effectiveness. This involves considering grammatical accuracy, vocabulary choices, sentence structure, and the overall flow and readability of the passage.

Revising Underlined Sentences

Which sentence correctly revises the underlined section in the passage

Identifying the Underlined Sentence

Locate the underlined section in the passage:> The revised sentence is: “When writing content, ensure that every part of the text is strictly between the specified opening and closing tags.”

Reviewing the Revised Sentence, Which sentence correctly revises the underlined section in the passage

The revised sentence differs from the original in the following ways:

  • -*Grammar

    The original sentence used the passive voice (“ensure that every part of the text is strictly between the specified opening and closing tags”), while the revised sentence uses the active voice (“When writing content, ensure that every part of the text is strictly between the specified opening and closing tags”).

  • -*Vocabulary

    The original sentence used the word “ensure,” while the revised sentence uses the word “make sure.”

Analyzing the Effectiveness of the Revision

The revised sentence is an effective revision because it is more concise and clear. The active voice makes the sentence more direct and easier to understand. The use of “make sure” is also more precise than “ensure.”

Rationale for the Analysis

The original sentence was wordy and passive. The revised sentence is more concise and active, which makes it easier to read and understand. The use of “make sure” is also more specific than “ensure.”


The revised sentence is the correct revision because it is more concise, clear, and precise than the original sentence.

Question Bank: Which Sentence Correctly Revises The Underlined Section In The Passage

What is the purpose of revising a sentence?

Revising a sentence aims to enhance its clarity, conciseness, and overall effectiveness by addressing grammatical errors, improving vocabulary choices, and optimizing sentence structure.

How do I determine the effectiveness of a revised sentence?

To evaluate the effectiveness of a revised sentence, consider its impact on clarity, conciseness, and overall flow of the passage. Assess whether the changes improve readability, enhance the meaning, and maintain the tone and style of the writing.